Thursday, October 25, 2007

SoCal Query

Dear President Gore,

It is only due to extraordinary fortitude (and some exigent personal circumstances that I will not expand on here) that I have not spent the last 6+ years on a massive drinking binge. I have a wonderful social support system and a loving family, and I became a father just over a year ago, so I have many wonderful reasons NOT to drink, up against the gang of greedy warmongers running the country. It's been a close call some days, but I've done what I can:
I've spoken to people one on one about the complexities of Middle East politics in general and the lack of wisdom and lies behind the war in Iraq in particular;
I've sent CARE packages to soldiers in Iraq;
I've helped like-minded friends keep their wits about them;
And most of all, I've kept the faith and kept telling myself, "This too shall pass."

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your share of the Nobel Peace Prize and your continuing efforts to raise awareness about the human role in global climate change. I am making a sincere effort to reduce my use of non-renewable resources and fossil fuels, both directly and indirectly (e.g., no longer buying bottled water, recycling absolutely everything I can, even if I didn't use it to begin with, etc.). I'd love to know what steps you've taken to reduce your own impact on the environment, but my real question is this:

What the hell is Jimmy Carter's problem?

Yiftach Levy

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